Tier 1/AAA Tryouts

April 8-12 at Kraken Community Iceplex

The Jr Kraken are excited to be offering Tier 1/AAA teams at the 14U, 16U and 18U age divisions for the 2025-26 season. Tryouts will be held April 8-12 with all sessions at Kraken Community Iceplex.

All players are required to register and pay the tryout fee ($250) prior to joining their ice sessions. No refunds. Tryouts will be conducted by KYHA staff coaches and other qualified non-parent evaluators.

By registering, players are expected to attend tryouts with the intention to play for Jr Kraken AAA.

Tryout Process

  • All players are guaranteed two ice sessions with their registration.
    • Players will be assigned a tryout group for these two sessions. Group assignments will be sent out within a week of the start of tryouts.
  • Players will receive a numbered pinnie upon check-in at your first ice session.
    • Please bring blank jersey (no logos) to wear underneath pinnie. White jersey preferred.
  • Evaluation staff will have two rounds of releases during the tryout process. The first release will occur after the second session for each age group.
    • Pinnie numbers of those invited to continue will be posted online no later than midnight the night of your second session.
  • After the final session on Sunday, players that are invited to join the team will be required to provide a player release form (if coming from an outside association) prior to registering for the season.
  • Please be aware that the team may not be finalized for a few days after the final on-ice session.

AAA Tryout Schedule - TBA

Group assignments will be sent out no later than one week prior to the start of tryouts.

16X9 AAA (2)

Tier 1 Tryout Registration

Tier 1 Tryout Registration

Please visit our AAA homepage for more information on the upcoming season.

Jr Kraken AAA

Need Billeting? Click below for more information:


Select Tryouts

Jr Kraken will be hosting Select level teams at the 10U, 12U and 14U age divisions. Tryouts for 10U Select teams will be held in a 'closed tryout' process, meaning registration for the season is required before players become eligible to tryout. The 12U and 14U tryouts will be an 'open tryout' process. Registration for 10U tryouts will be made available once the 2025-2026 season registration has opened.

Register Here

Please visit out Select team homepage for more information on the upcoming season.

Jr Kraken Select

Jr Kraken 1

10U Select Tryouts

Teams: 10U Select (Two Teams)

Birth Years: 2015-2016

Dates: July 31 - August 3

Price: $150

Registration: Available during 25-26 season registration

CLOSED Tryouts: Players must be registered with the Jr Kraken in order to make team.

12U Select Tryouts


  • 12U AAA
  • 12U AA
  • 12U B - closed tryout

Birth Years: 2013-2014


12U AAA - April 17-20

12U AA - April 24-27

12U B - July 31-Aug 3

Price: $150

Registration: Coming Soon

CLOSED Tryouts: Players must be registered with the Jr Kraken in order to make team.

14U Select Tryouts

Teams: 14U B

Birth Years: 2011-2012

Dates: April 17-20

Price: $150

Registration: Coming Soon