Youth Learn to Play Programs

These programs are for players that are brand new to the sport. Players will learn the fundamentals of hockey (shooting, passing, stick-handling) while also continuing to work on skating. Practices will be station-based to keep players moving and focus on multiple skills per class.

Seattle Kraken are proud to partner with the NHL to offer Learn to Play presented by GEICO to first time hockey players. In addition to learning beginner hockey fundamentals, each player will be sized for a complete set of custom Kraken Learn to Play hockey equipment and receive a free one-year USA Hockey registration number.

This program is only available for first time players. Kids with prior hockey experience should register for Learn to Play 2 or Jr Squid.

How to register: players in Learn to Skate Hockey 1 or Hockey 2 will be invited to the class towards the end of their LTS session. Players coming from outside our Learn to Skate program will need to reach out to Jr Kraken staff to receive registration link. There is no publicly available registration for this class.

Youth Learn to Skate


5-9; co-ed


Player should have completed up to Hockey 1 within our Learn to Skate program before registering.

Learn to Skate

Winter Schedule

Tuesday - 5:25 pm (Coed)

Sunday - 12:00 pm (Girls Only)

Spring Schedule

Tuesday - 5:25 pm (Coed)

Sunday - 11:15 am (Girls Only) 

Summer Schedule

Tuesday - 5:25 pm (Coed + Girls Only)


8-week series. 45-min group classes 1x per week.

Required Gear

Players receive an 11-piece kit of custom fitted gear from Pure Hockey: jersey, helmet, stick, skates, gloves, hockey socks, hockey pants, shoulder pads, elbow pads, shin guards & hockey bag. 

Gear fittings will occur 2-3 weeks prior to the first class, coordinated by Pure Hockey. 

Provided Gear from PureHockey



Price includes 11-piece equipment kit (valued at $250) + 1st year of USA Hockey membership (valued at $61).


This program is ideal for players wishing to continue to develop the basics through group class instruction and introductory in-house game play. Skills covered include skating, puck handling, passing and shooting. Players should have completed a Learn to Skate series as well as the NHL Learn to Play program prior to registering.

This class is highly repeatable. It is generally recommended that players take the LTP2 class at least twice before considering moving to LTP3 or Jr Squid.


5-9; co-ed


Player should have completed the NHL Learn to Play 1 class or equivalent introductory class at another rink.

Winter Schedule

Tuesday - 6:15 pm (Coed)

Sunday - 12:00 pm (Girls Only)

Spring Schedule

Tuesday - 6:15 pm (Coed)

Sunday - 11:15 am (Girls Only) 

Summer Schedule

Tuesday - 6:15 pm (Coed + Girls Only)


8-week series. 45-min group classes 1x per week

Required Gear

Players receive a jersey. 

Players must provide their own:

  • Helmet with cage
  • Gloves, elbow pads, shoulder pads, shin pads, jock/jill, hockey pants, socks
  • Hockey stick
  • Hockey skates 

$340 (includes jersey)

Register Here

It’s never too late to learn to play hockey. The Sea-League is a developmental in-house league for players to improve their fundamental skills and prepare for the Metropolitan Hockey League at their own pace. This program is designed for older kids (ages 8-16) new to the game. As with other Learn to Play classes, players will learn the same fundamental hockey skills in a setting for older kids. Players should have completed a Learn to Skate series prior to registering.

Register Here


8-16; co-ed


Player should have completed the up to Hockey 1 in the Learn to Skate program or equivalent class at another rink.

Winter Schedule

Sunday - 12:00 pm (Coed + Girls Only Options)

Spring Schedule

Sunday - 12:15 pm (Coed + Girls Only Options)

Summer Schedule

Tuesday - 7:15 pm (Coed + Girls Only)


8-week series. 60-min group classes 1x per week

Required Gear

Players receive a jersey and socks with registration. 

Players must provide their own:

  • Helmet with cage
  • Gloves, elbow pads, shoulder pads, shin pads, jock/jill, hockey pants, socks
  • Hockey stick
  • Hockey skates 

$408 (includes jersey + socks)

In-House Development Programs

These programs are for players that a looking to take their development to the next level. Each program will have two practices per week with the opportunity to play scrimmages throughout the season. Players in these programs will have priority registration for Jr Kraken youth teams.

Introductory in-house development program for 5 to 7-year-olds. This program is appropriate for kids having played on a previous mites team or who have recently completed Learn to Play classes wanting to prepare for Jr Kraken league play.

What an on-ice session looks like:

  • Skating drills
  • Puck skills
  • Development of hockey IQ
  • Small area games
  • Game simulation and sense training
  • On-ice athleticism
  • Cross-ice games
  • FUN!

2017-2019 Birth Years

If your player was born prior in 2016 or before, please check out our Sea-League: Learn to Play program


Previous playing experience on a Mites hockey team or completion of two Learn to Play classes (NHL LTP 1 and Kraken LTP 2).

USA Hockey Membership

Season Schedule

Week of September 9: First week of practice
Week of March 3: Last week of practice

Weeks off:
November 18-24
December 23-Jan 5
February 15-21


Practice Schedule

48 practices in total.

Practice Schedule
Wednesday  5:30-6:30 pm
Friday          5:15-6:15 pm

Game Schedule - dates to be announced in the Fall.
Sunday       1:00-2:00 pm


Players receive Jr Squid jerseys + socks. 

Players provide their own:

  • Helmet with cage
  • Gloves, elbow pads, shoulder pads, shin pads, jock/jill, hockey pants
  • Hockey stick
  • Hockey skates 

Full Season: $1320 includes 48 practices and jersey

$150 deposit due at registration. Payment plan available.

Scrimmage: $30 per session, separate registration and payment from full season. 

It’s never too late to learn to play hockey. The Sea-League is a developmental in-house league for players to improve their fundamental skills and prepare for the Metropolitan Hockey League at their own pace. As with other Learn to Play classes, players will learn the same fundamental hockey skills in a setting for older players. Players should have completed a Learn to Skate series prior to registering.

Throughout the year there will be additional opportunities to play in scrimmages amongst ourselves and outside teams. Information on those scrimmages will be provided to families as they become available.

Register Here


8-16; co-ed

24-25 Birth Years: 2016 and older


Player should have completed the up to Hockey 1 in the Learn to Skate program or equivalent class at another rink.

Season Schedule

Week of September 9th: First week of practice
Week of March 3rd: Last week of practice

Weeks off:
November 18-24
December 23-Jan 5
February 15-21

Practice Schedule

48 practices in total.

Practice Schedule
Monday      6:15-7:15 pm
Saturday    1:15-2:15 pm

Game Schedule - dates to be announced in the Fall.
Sunday       1:00-2:00 pm

Required Gear

Players receive a jersey and socks with registration. 

Players must provide their own:

  • Helmet with cage
  • Gloves, elbow pads, shoulder pads, shin pads, jock/jill, hockey pants, socks
  • Hockey stick
  • Hockey skates 

$1,450 - includes 48 practice plus program jersey and socks

Scrimmages: $30 per session, separate registration and payment from full season. 

KYHA Progression Chart 24 25

2024-2025 Season Schedule

Session #3

Starts week of: February 3rd
Ends week of: March 31st
Skip weeks: February 17th

Session #4

Starts week of: April 14th
Ends week of: June 2nd
Sunday classes off May 20th and 27th, end on June 22nd

Session #5

Starts week of: July 7th
Ends week of: August 12th

This is a general overview for all classes. Any adjustments to individual classes will be visible on your DaySmart calendar once registered.

Youth Hockey Coach

Volunteer Coaches

Youth hockey couldn’t happen without the parents and community volunteers that help with all facets of the game. We have opportunities for volunteer coaches, team managers, score keepers, clock managers and penalty box managers. A great way to help out and build friendships and community that will last a lifetime.

Learn more about the volunteer commitments, benefits and training by completing the questionnaire or visiting our Volunteers page.

Coaches Questionnaire


USA Hockey Registration

Prior to participating in any hockey programs through Kraken Community Iceplex, all participants must acquire a USA Hockey Membership.*

*Exception: First-time players enrolling in Learn to Play 1 do not require a USA Hockey number, as they will receive one as part of the NHL program.

USA Hockey logo

Oneroof Primarylogo R RGB

Financial Assistance

Financial support for Learn to Play programming is available through the One Roof Foundation.

Financial Assistance